Create a Year You Love — and Love Creating It!

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

Use Visioning in 2024 to achieve what you really want -- for yourself, your clients and your organization  by Donna R. Billings, PCC CCEs: 1.0 (0.5 core/0.5 resource) Don’t you [...]

Free – $25.00

The Neuroscience of Coaching – Why Coaching works

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by Ursula Pottinga, CPCC, PCC, MNTC 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. CCEs: 1.5 (1.0 core / 0.5 resource) In this lively, inter-active webinar we will explore the neuroscience rationale WHY coaching works and address three main challenges that our clients want to address: stress, making changes and the balance between being and doing. Coaches and [...]

Free – $25.00

The Role of Coaching in Fostering Awareness and Challenging Automatic Negative Thought Patterns

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by Rosemary Hanrahan MD, MPH, PCC CCEs: 1.5 (1.0 core / 0.5 resource) Almost everyone experiences automatic negative thoughts such as catastrophizing, generalizing and labelling. These unhelpful cognitive distortions tend to be more common during times of stress, and can negatively impact behaviors, life satisfaction and relationships. This interactive Webinar will explore the types of [...]

Free – $25.00

RaeNotes for Coaches

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by Andrew Lee and Tatiana Lykova How to use RaeNotes for professional coach development and mentor coaching. Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of RaeNotes, including how its AI-driven transcription and in-built ICF assessment tool can transform sessions review and aid in self-reflection. In this webinar we will: Navigating the RaeNotes Platform: Learn how to navigate [...]


How to Work with (Almost) Anyone

Michael Bungay Stanier 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.  CCEs: 1.5 (resource) Happiness and success depends on working relationships. The people you manage. Your boss. Key collaborators. Important clients. We tend to leave the fate of these relationships to chance. We cross our fingers … and hope for the best. There’s a better way. In this [...]

$15.00 – $20.00

International Coaching Week Event: A New Venture in Holistic Coaching and Opportunities with AI and Coaching

CoHatch South Side Works, 2681 Sidney Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Live in Balance: A New Approach by Anne Papinchak and Dr. Suzanne Paone Live in Balance combines focus therapy and coaching to help your team achieve harmony across their personal and professional lives. We facilitate evidence-based personalized practices that result in greater clarity, purpose, productivity, sense of well-being and more effective teamwork. In this program [...]

$15.00 – $30.00

Body Electric

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by  Ann-Marie McKelvey, MCC, LPCC CCEs: 1.0  (0.5 core/ 0.5 resource) The Body-Mind connection is one of the most valuable approaches in coaching. Witness a 20 minute somatic and mindfulness coaching session followed by a Q & A with Mindfulness Coaching School founder, Ann-Marie McKelvey, MCC. In this webinar we will: Learn to incorporate Body-Mind [...]

Free – $25.00

Understanding the When, How and Why of Coaching Relational Trauma

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by  Ursula Pottinga, CPCC, PCC, MNTC CCEs: 1.5 (1.0 core/0.5 resource) In this highly interactive webinar participants will gain insights into the when and how of coaching clients impacted by relational trauma, particularly narcissistic abuse. We will dive into some definitions, specific terms that can be helpful for clients and neuroscience aspects that will assist [...]

Free – $25.00

ICF Pittsburgh in Person Summer Social

Roosevelt Shelter in North Park

Welcome All Pittsburgh Area Coaches! ICF Pittsburgh in Person Summer Social July 11, 2024 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm North Park Roosevelt Shelter 10301 Walter Road Allison Park, PA, 15101 724-935-1971 Complimentary Food BYOB Come celebrate our individual and collective successes! Explore the benefits of active membership in ICF Pittsburgh. Bring your ideas and input [...]
