Neurodiversity and Coaching: Systems We Swim In

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by Deborah Shukyn-Plageman, PCC 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.  CCEs: 1.5 (0.5 core/ 1.0 resource) This webinaris an introduction to the coaching neurodiversity, reflective practice and the ICF coaching competencies PRIMARY LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Explore: The concepts of neurodiversity and neurodivergence Socio-political-economic issues related to neurodivergence including recognition, diagnosis, treatment and workplace adjustments Where and how neurodivergence [...]

Get Tickets Free – $25.00

Impostor Syndrome

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by Carolyn Herfurth 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. CCEs: 1.50 (0.75 core/0.75 resource) Up to 82% of people — CEOs and entry-level professionals, first year college students and PhDs, artists and programmers — secretly worry they’re not as smart or talented or qualified as other people “think” they are. It’s called impostor syndrome. Left unchecked, it [...]

Get Tickets Free – $25.00

Leadership Coaching: Leading with Compassion

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by Hongguo Wei, Ph.D., ACC 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.  CCEs: 1.0 (0.5 core /0.5 resource) In today’s rapidly changing and unpredictable environment, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of compassion. Research has highlighted the transformative effects of organizational compassion, prompting industries like healthcare, education, and technology to incorporate compassion into their culture, leadership, and management [...]

Get Tickets Free – $25.00

“The Immunity-to-Change Process: When Change is Hard to Make”

ICF Pittsburgh Webinar

by Deborah Heisling, Ed.D  CCEs: 1.50 (0.75 ocre/0.75 resource)  Why is change so difficult, even when our clients are genuinely committed to it? What can we do to better support them to succeed in changing? The Immunity-to-Change (ITC) process is designed to enable individuals to identify assumptions they currently hold that are likely to interfere with [...]

Get Tickets Free – $25.00